An Akashic Reading is a chance to see your life from your Soul’s perspective… what are you learning this lifetime? What is your creative potential? And what will enable healing to occur to free the flow and help you feel alive and connected to your life?
Your reading is a chance to be given insights that go to the core of you in this lifetime. Where are you really at? What are the threads weaving throughout this lifetime, that may help you to understand where and why you feel stuck, confused or generally shutdown.
A reading is personal, and completely unique to you and where you are at in relation to your souls lessons. I am constantly amazed at how the picture unfolds, no matter what questions or how many different directions a client will go during a session- sometimes we have multiple tabs open… and they all tie in together as though the conversation was scripted. And so often when the fuller picture lands and the aha moment kicks in my clients say to me, ‘I have been asking for this’.
This is profound work. I cannot emphasise this enough. I think of it as the place where Personality meets Soul. A meeting point of the story of our pain and potential with the guiding hand of the designer of our life’s journey… our Soul.
We often carry the memory of past life trauma and unresolved relationship issues into our current life. These can express as repeating patterns throughout our life in all areas; health, relationship, finances, personal confidence to name a few. One definition of this is karma… unresolved life lessons perpetuating into this life. The purpose of a life from the Souls perspective is to have experiences and grow. To learn to see the lesson that we are playing out, and explore who we are once we make that next step not one of repetition on the beaten path, but one of change.
And this is the meeting point with our Soul… the invitation to change.
For those of you who are wondering where now, and are wanting to create a new or transformed expression of your life’s work. (Described in more detail under services on this link) A business reading is a very personalised coaching in how to create in business who you are. So that your business is a natural extension of who you are and how you are in the world, in a way that you are supported financially as you grow in your ability to share your gifts.
“At some stage in my childhood I knew I had lived before. Insights into different lives revealed themselves over the coming years and I realised this made life make alot more sense. Even though I can reach back and relate to past lives, I personally value the transformational process that lies in this life. And so you may find a Reading with me will tend towards empowering you here and now. The benefit of this is my clients often come away from a reading with greater appreciation, new insights, more clarity and excitement to get into their lives and live! ”
If you have never learnt to face your fears or deeper feelings of guilt, shame, anger and sadness with confidence you may greatly benefit from a coaching session prior to an Akashic Record Reading. I liken it to learning to paddle so if any waves come along during your session you have some experience of riding them.