Life giving Elements


Water is Life


Hydrogen Rich Water

I find it fascinating to learn about our beautiful bodies. Not only are they made of the Elements of the Earth, naturally they are also reliant on these Elements. Even our very genes rely on these basic building blocks to thrive and maintain our health and vitality. We are continuously seeing more scientific evidence that our bodies respond with healing potential when they are replenished with these essential elements. Healing potential that is magnified when we choose these elements in their more pure and rich forms. From air and water purity to nutrient rich fresh whole foods, our bodies are designed to respond to and use these elements daily.

Our bodies evolved from the salty oceans that covered the earth and even today on average our bodies are about 60% water. Water is in every cell in our body from our organs and blood through to our bones. Cells depend on the purity and consistency of water to deliver essential nutrients in and waste out. Detoxification is reliant on adequate hydration through the avenues of sweat, urine and faeces… as the Ancient Chinese say ‘no water boat won’t float’. Temperature regulation too relies on consistent hydration. Needless to say every cell in our body needs water to function well.

While thirst is a natural reflex, a busy mind can easily override the bodies requests for hydration. Over time ignoring our thirst will lead to chronic dehydration. Are you feeling confused about how much to drink in a day? Check out this link to gain some building blocks of understanding to stay on top of hydration.

You may have heard of Hydrogen Rich Water - what is it? Hydrogen is naturally present in water - H2O - yes you were paying attention in that science class! Now, water that is free to move in the wild patterns that traverse Mother Nature, is fresh, clear and smells incredible. In the natural landscape water has the ability to renew its vitality. This purity and freshness of a natural body of water draws us to it, inviting us to either dip in, be alongside it or simply gaze at it. Benefiting not only our body but also our mind. Like most of the essential ingredients that our bodies need to thrive, convenience has dominated the quality of most peoples main water supply.Waters need for renewal has been compromised for the sake of convenience. Storing, treating - or one could say mistreating in someways and transporting water has turned our tap water into a form of water that is no longer as healing as it once was. The role of Hydrogen Rich Water is to put the ‘spring back into waters step’. Through electrode plates, by converting the hydrogen present in the water into a powerful form called Molecular Hydrogen. I will hand over to Naturopath Carrie Drinkwine one of our experts to explain more in the links below…

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