Insight Coaching


The Process



If you haven’t already met fear, believe me, fear has met you. Fear is at home in the shadows of our mind; quietly suggesting we are powerless, incapable, unacceptable, unworthy or just too… too much, too old, too tired, the list goes on. This constant and unchallenged drip feeding of limits can seem very believable, especially as fear permeates our feelings. In time fear can become the very lense that we view life through, often without question. But not without suffering.

For some of us, we may even know the repertoire of fear. Those self limiting beliefs may even trace back to a time, place or relationship. Yet still they persist. Settling in as an air of worry, doubt or a general mood of overwhelm, prompting the survival strategies that we act out in attempt to make ourselves feel good. All the while, what we really need alludes us.

Because knowing about our fears is not enough, we need to meet our Fears with a whole new approach, one that comes from relating rather than fixing. And one that becomes second nature, because as we loosen its grip of control, fear presents in ever more refined versions.

When we can truly witness the play of our fear in a moment of reactivity, it is like suddenly discovering a locked door on a your daily trodden path. This is a new moment in consciousness.

There is an incredible magic in a new moment of consciousness. A moment where instead of reacting as we have done so many times before, we are empowered knowing something can change.

Let me teach you how, through this wonderful process of Insight Coaching. With each session tailor made for you; exactly where you are at, how you are wired, and where you would like to go.

I could speak for days on this topic, as there is so much you can learn. About yourself, your life, what it is to be human, and how healing is as creative as you are.

Let’s start with Insight as this is a process where you learn to access your own insights anywhere anytime.

INSIGHT : An instant understanding that arises from within us. That is accompanied with a deep knowing that this is true for us. A knowing and understanding of such calibre that we are changed forever more in that moment. Our perspective of ourself, our life and life as we see it, has shifted so radically that it spreads like light illuminating our inner landscape. Penetrating and informing our beliefs, our script, our feelings, our emotions, our breath and our body.

In essence, changing your relationship with yourself. That’s my favorite part. Insight shifts how we relate to ourselves, naturally.

With the power of your own insight, you come face to face, in relationship with the honest vulnerable truth of your fear in such a way that your story can be rewritten in an instant. And you know, from this moment that you can change, as you already have!

This is a journey the mind can only witness. One our heart must take us on.

Once you have passed through this door of your own making, you naturally make more sense of who you are, your life, relationships and what is next for you. And as you grow you are able to face any arising emotion - be it anger, guilt, shame, grief or fear and recognise what it is that you are needing from yourself, to emerge from any experience wiser each time.

And in the gentle unfolding of your own insights the road ahead becomes clear and possible.

I don’t know about you, but I am a person that does not like to be told, I need to find out for myself. I recognise this as the need to know the truth of my being, not just to control myself, but so I can be more alive. This is the value of Self Empowerment And is at the core of my coaching style.

We have all learned techniques; how to focus on positivity, affirm and visualise what we want ect. These techniques are useful tools… Yet the uncharted territory of our own relationship with ourselves often goes ignored, as though we can just slap up posters of our new life over the painful layers of shame, unworthiness and fear.

The process of Insight Coaching itself is taught simply, so that it very quickly becomes your new awareness. And this is key. For it is how we are truly relating to ourself in the moment of pain, that decides which path we take with our very next moment…. the same beaten track or do we choose to see something differently this time?

In the words of one of my clients, ‘Everything has changed, yet nothing has changed, my whole perspective has changed. And that visceral feeling is no longer constantly there.’

if you are a reflective person who knows, but doesn’t yet understand yourself, this may be just be the reframing you need to discover your own insights and heal your relationship with yourself. And I look forward to introducing you to this way and more of yourself!

Dying, death and grief

There are some experiences in life that are unavoidable. Dying is one of them. And although inevitable for all in its path, our inner compass can still be overwhelmed when facing death, be it our own or that of someone dear to us.

Death is a confronting experience in it’s finality. However, within the inevitability there is an invitation. An invitation for us to make peace with our life in this world before it is no more. As the changing terrain of what was important loosens our tightly held grip of the past, present and future we are called to re evaluate. This can be a chance to shed the old life and discover life anew.

Part way through my childhood, I learned about reincarnation… and knew for myself, that I had lived before. For me this is not a belief, this is a knowing. A knowing that moves me to help people find their way at the end of their own or another’s life, so the dying are free to die in peace.

Finding the restful caress of peace often requires that we journey through the fear and pain. And when this is your first real dance with fear, it can feel overwhelming, exhausting and even impossible.

Joseph Campbell described the Hero’s journey beginning when life upends itself. He says that ‘every hero must have the courage to be alone and take the journey for himself.’

And while no one else can take the steps through your fears for you, life certainly provides us with companions along the way.

To be transformed by our own death is unlike any other, as there is no bargaining with death. A process that offers a profound opportunity to heal. I would like to share a wonderful TED talk by a gentleman who has made it his lifes work to provide comfort to those who fear death

Be it in your dying or grieving, I would be honored to help you live the life you have with freedom and ease.