Spiritual Coaching
Spiritual Connection
“What strikes me about the authenticity of this process, is there are so many layers of life that we weave together, wrapped over time to keep us safe. Each thread a part of our consciousness arising to be woven out of the past and into our present, if we can just allow it safe passage to the light of our conscious mind.”
This naturally rides on the back of Insight Coaching. As the feeling of peace and sense of clarity grows from accessing Insight, this tends to open up a greater feeling of what is possible in our lives. And for those of us with a Spiritual feeling for life, this means deepening our connection into what I call Co Creation (more on that later)
This is where Spiritual Coaching departs from the old paradigm we know so well; that we are on our own, we have to make it happen ourselves, know what we want and how to do it! A lot of pressure, stress and effort.
Spiritual Coaching teaches you a new paradigm based on these 3 Spiritual Principles
The understanding that we are the incarnation of our Soul
That our Soul has designed this and every other incarnation to maximise learning whatever it has chosen this life… I call that our to do list, some of which is optional, some not so much
That we, are always connected to the Source of all life, because this is our Greater Being and we have never been nor can we be separate.
And why it seems like we are seperate, are the very threads we follow to see just what is beyond those presumptions that hold us in place.
You may recognise your Spiritual connection as your intuition, insights, inner guidance or simply a feeling of knowing. You may have seen signs of life ‘falling into place’, giving you what you need just when you need it or sensing that there is something more to ‘this’ only to find out you were right. Of course, your life may be full of the other side of the coin- the displacement that comes when life is painful and confusing.
This style of coaching is based around building your own inner awareness, as there is only so far someone else’s techniques may take us. Developing your own awareness gives rise to your own knowing, your own insights and effectively strengthens your own connection.
A process that can help us to recognise where we are at, what we are up to and be able to choose where we put our attention. And why this is so important is because we are going beyond our normal habits of attention into the unknown. And free awareness, the ability to just be is key.
This Next level- Spiritual Coaching is ideal for those of you who are either already
Are ready to deepen your life experience
Have had a sudden awakening
Or for when you realise your own spiritual explorations are not growing you in the way you know you can.
Spiritual Coaching has come about naturally from my years of my own inner journey combined with accessing the Akashic Records, The process is Empowering. Meeting you where you are at, is the space I create with all my sessions. However this process is so much more and I will let my clients tell you in their own words.
“very impressed by your skillful guidance - just the right touch, not too light, certainly not too heavy, so very attentive to all things moving in me.”