Tune in and find what you need…
ACUPUNCTURE for those more Physical concerns; Pain, Loss of movement, Lack of function, Pregnancy or Labour related needs or simply the need to unwind and decompress
INSIGHT COACHING teaching you how to decode your emotional and mental stress into insight, understanding and options
NEXT LEVEL COACHING a personalised session to help you deepen your own Spiritual Connection
AKASHIC READING a fresh perspective of your life to date from a wider Soul view
“ I look forward to meeting you,
learning what you would like to achieve and together,
create a plan to help you move forward.”
The Ancient healing art of Acupuncture has evolved over the last three thousand years, with countless people practicing and benefiting from it. Acupuncture helps your body heal itself - gently and sometimes exceptionally quickly.
How would your life change if those emotionally stuck or reactive moments became less and less, because each time they arose, you learnt more about yourself and others?
Check out these bite sized chews of insight into the Spiritual Journey. Posts that unveil the doorways in our perception, that in our busy lives go unnoticed. Doorways that can unlock your minds beaten tracks and forge new pathways.
Welcome to these pages.
I am Lisa Houghton, a practicing Holistic Therapist since 2004.
Ever since I was a child I had a great love and respect for Nature. Early in adulthood my observations of nature led me to consider, if we are part of Nature surely it is in Natures interest to keep us healthy. And so began my exploration of Natural healing, health principles and Spirituality.
During my life I have studied, practiced and collected in my kete knowledge from Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Chinese Whole food Therapy, Fermented Food, Raw Food Diet, Detoxing practises, Food growing principals, Qi Gong, Conductivity, Breathing, Yoga and Self Enquiry Meditation. And more recently felt like I have enrolled in the University of Life, having been taught how to access the Akashic Records and provide Akashic Readings.
For me the most influential healer is relationship - how we understand and relate to ourselves. Self understanding that goes beyond what we think we know, to the inner knowing that comes from skillful enquiry. Coupled with relating to ourselves with the care and integrity that allows us to integrate all the parts of ourself.
It is this discovery of our own unique inner Nature - and therefore the inherent mystery of life within us, that gave rise to the name Elemental Nature….
Elemental basic building blocks or core principles Nature that which is.
In essence… Being
I hope you enjoy reading your way through this website and find delight in nature’s beauty in the wonderful images people have captured.
Warmly Lisa