Tell me, what are you attending to?

Each day we make choices about where we put our energy. With the repetition of these choices we are creating a habit of attention, we are building a momentum. A momentum that is self generating, self perpetuating and fed by our creative energy.

Now that momentum can in turn be influencing us in an expansive way; that is opening our awareness, providing insights and helping us to develop ourselves.

Or it can be devitalising us; reinforcing stuck patterns that reflect in a loop style dialogue, our behaviour choices, in our bodies condition and the life that shows up for us. This trajectory is ultimately disempowering us.

So what are you feeding? What are you generating? Exploring? Focused on? Developing? Creating?

What are you attending to in your day?

By becoming conscious of the areas and aspects of our life we wish to heal and expand we can set intentions to do so. This is not a Santa’s wish list of ‘Universe come and sort my life out for me please’. Although every now and then, a general cry for help is just the ticket!

Setting an intention and inviting change is a more conscious approach to attending to your life. By noticing the areas that are reflecting stagnation or issues you can make a choice to attend to them.

The best way I have discovered to set an intention is to reflect on my up to date ‘now’ moment of greatest clarity and insight, bringing the best of my noticings to the table, as though I was deep in conversation with my higher self, simultaneously asking for what I need, honestly recognising the full spectrum of where I am at and open to receiving insight and healing to arrive at my ‘now’ Intention.

This Intention is like a seed of change, potent in your consciousness. You will need to nurture it, to allow it to take hold… by guess what… attending to it. By putting your attention on it and listening and learning how to attend to that aspect/ area of your life.

Happy exploring, redesigning, discovering and recognising this life we share and are all blessed to be a part of.