/This is the most commonly asked question in an Akashic Record Reading.
As I understand it, before we incarnate into a life, our Soul decides what it desires to learn and therefore create. Designing our life full of possibilities for experiences, for us to learn lessons that will expand our potential and refine our creative abilities. During this designing of our lives, our Soul chooses who to make contracts with to potentially play certain roles in our life. And I say potentially, as incarnating in the same age bracket doesn’t always line up. Where and when we will be born. And causing us to be attracted to the people and energies that will help set us on our path of learning this lifetime… ie the book that we found, the Country we just had to visit, the new friend we made out of the blue or the interest in ethnic music we have.
So what’s it all about?
This idea of lessons might need a Spiritual reframe... Consider life in and beyond our Universe is Infinite Consciousness. And we are arising in this Infinite Consciousness, as an Individual expression of what is possible. Our Soul behind the scenes holding awareness gathered from experiences over and between lifetimes. And us, the incarnation of our soul being born... and oh dear, what was that I was going to remember... coming in for landing and for some of us, feeling like we are questioning what is going on here?
Put your hand up if that’s you?
Some of our knowing stays intact when we are born, some awakens as we go through our lives in the case of Near Death Experiences, major trauma, feeling deeply connected in nature, profound awakenings through teachings, courses or in relationship with people we meet along the way... for some it may be more sudden in the form of a spontaneous awakening usually accompanied with a vision or comprehensive inner knowing.
The lessons we are to learn, may seem to elude us, but if we reflect truthfully on the flow and themes of our life, patterns emerge, like a map of where we have been and where we are yet to go. Because the stage is set to perfectly cultivate an unavoidable issue with our lessons. Our Soul is designing our lives to realise our potential and explore creation. And if we are stuck in our past creations that we are unworthy, unacceptable or damaged goods, then we are going to hold the handbrake on our potential and our creative experience.
Our Soul is waking us up, and dear reader it’s no holds barred! It wants to manifest here and now.
This is our overall purpose (for most of us), to experience life so we may expand into more of our potential as creators, manifest more of our Soul, our unique signature of life. Creating from the infinite sea of possibilities in alignment with our heart/ Soul while in incarnation… in a body, in a lifetime, using all the faculties of human awareness- intention, thought, emotion/feeling, speech and action… viola embodyment!
Sounds a bit dry doesn’t it… especially when compared to our more personal mission, now that really puts some colour on the page!
In amongst this overarching purpose is our Souls 'to do list', our personal purposes, for this lifetime. You may be able to look back at your life and recognise those moments, experiences or people that changed the course of your life... these are your life lessons being intensified. The timing of conditions in these moments is geared up for a breakthrough, to free our creative potential and fulfill a particular purpose. In these moments life suddenly seems to speed up and intensify. WIth the unfolding forces converging, we can either resist or step into our potential and create a new chapter in our life… God help you if you resist!
But in the downtime of day to day life, it's this level of personal purpose that people tend to be seeking... often prompted by feeling unfulfilled, lacking in direction, potency or passion.
Having witnessed Akashic Record readings for myself and others, it has become clear to me, that we bring certain memories of trauma and relationships into this life from other lifetimes. These memories can be experienced as thought, feelings or physical sensations and often don't make sense in our current life context.. but pervade our life as though that’s the way it is for us, no matter how hard we try to change. These are part of the package of our lessons. The potential locked up in these patterns is needed to realise our purpose.
Thankfully we also bring specific qualities and awareness into our lives, that we have cultivated over other lifetimes... maybe a talent, a natural confidence or an affinity, an understanding of life. These abilities are the core expression our purpose, but require us to realise our potential locked in our lessons to really blossom into the fullness of our purpose. Tugging deeply from our unconscious depths you see this acted out in the most popular myth on the planet today- the hero/ heroine’s journey.
Packed within the wisdom of our heart is our unique Soul signature - we are living it in moments when we feel totally complete. And that is because the gift is bound in the lesson… When (in connection with our Soul) we recognise, own and meet our own inner emotional needs we free up our own potential and power to go where ever we desire.
So when you come for an Akashic Record Reading and say what is my purpose? You are asking for the hero’s / heroine’s path to be made clear under your feet.