Have you experienced those magical moments where you become aware of something greater than yourself?

Perhaps you have felt a sense of stillness and deep peace envelope you. Or the desire to just slow down, breathe deeply and just be in the moment. Maybe you have an inner conviction you can’t explain, a sense of direction that you absolutely know it is right for you. I believe this is our Higher Consciousness, connecting with us and reminding us how to live our connection with Life. To live our lives embodying our personal connection with the Divine, moment to moment.

I see our Spiritual journey weaving two aspects of self closer together. Weaving the depth of our stillness and grace, amongst our lesser evolved parts. The more we connect with our depth, the more we gain insight into our surface.

There is something I would love you to consider at this point, dear reader; What if in this weaving of life, what is arising and when it is arising in any and every moment for each one of us, is perfect. And when we seemingly stumble that instead of it being a mistake, that instead, we are being called to notice something about how we are being. At this particular time, for a particular reason… That there is a design to our learning, not in a linear fashion, where we hike away as fast as we can from our pain and struggle, and like the snakes and ladders board game we are put back to the start every time we ‘fail’. But more of a concentric process, where we are making connections and expanding by learning to use more of our potential. Potential that is interwoven within the growth of all aspects of ourself.

So, begs the question, why do the same issues reappear? Those moments where you say to yourself ‘haven’t I learnt this piece already’?

From what I have witnessed, our Higher Consciousness is constantly present with us. And each time our patterns arise, they arise wrapped in equal opportunity inviting us to create a new connection, a new experience, vastly different from our usual reaction.

This momentum is intensified in times of personal crisis. When vast volumes of our personal chronical are up for review all at once. Overwhelming as these times can be, the potential for change is HUGE!

Growth moves in cycles... we have times where we are soaring, life is flowing, we are full of knowing and find ourselves laughing out loud a lot... and then comes the integration time. I call that 'back to the tail'. Connecting with the parts of ourselves, that didn't quite make it to the flight deck to see all the fantastic revelations we experienced when we were flying high.

In your expanding phase, you were saying yes, yes, yes... and now you are meeting no, no and no... however, this time with an expanded awareness and deeper sense of self. And the timing of meeting your fears is Intentional and Necessary.

Without this very necessary phase of integration, we would quickly become imbalanced, trying to reconcile two very different states of consciousness... our unconscious programming and our inner knowing. Both of which are processing life in a very different way.

Sound familiar?

So, my Hitchhiker's guide advice is, ‘Be with what is’. To do this, we need to recognise what we are up to… that is, if we are reacting to the fact that this same issue has arisen again! We need to see this is where we are at, or we will be trying to sort a room out that we are not even in… reacting to ourselves rather than dealing with the issue! For a process to be effective, we need to be present with what is arising.

This is often where people get stuck when processing, as they think they are trying to deal with the issue, but they are tangled in another layer of self judgement in that moment instead.

Life is Consciousness, which is expanding. And in all ways growing and revealing itself a new in our lives. So checking to see if you still HAVE it, when after a wondrous meditation or healing experience, we try to replicate the experience, can be a bit of a trap and cause us to miss the living moment. In fact it can be our memory of an experience and our persistence in trying to recreate a memory that often gives the feeling of elusiveness. The same pitfall can occur when an issue arises, that we have decided we had dealt with - when we then react to ourselves by either going down the path of ‘this isn’t working’ or ‘I am never going to be rid of this’. These moments of stuff arising, whatever it is, are always opportunities for us to stay in relationship, and meet the unconscious attempting to become conscious.

Notice, be present, allow the revelation of what arises, knowing there is a perfect synchronicity in what is arising... it is part of the creative process. In fact the more you show up and pay attention to what is arising you may start to see just how incredibly synchronistic life is.

The various aspects of our unconscious self continue to arise, even as grace and wisdom grow and shape our life. These seemingly delinquant parts of our self arise, not because we are going backwards, but because our life is governed by cycles of growth. Like a review of our self made history coming up time and time again.

Why? Well for starters because we are so deeply invested in our reactive patterns we are often recreating them over and over again. But at a Soul level, life is by design, conditions are in place and our bags are packed for us to learn to grow beyond our patterns, and discover our greater potential. So needs must, it all must come to the surface what we do with it in that moment is our choice.

So give these parts of you a chance, meet and greet and explore the glitches in your programming- the fears of the unknown. And allow yourself some quiet time to recognise what is arising NOW.

If you are Intentional with what you are creating, are asking for help and guidance and following the unfolding of your healing you may recognise what is arising as ‘where you left off’.

If not, it can all just seem on repeat and can often feel heavier than it needs to. This requires resisting the urge to judge and react to yourself. And invites you to understand yourself and locate where you are at NOW… The most powerful place to be, on the edge of your learning curve... feeling the fear and the possibility in the same breath.

Enjoy creating positive change!
